You Can’t Live a Positive Life with a Negative Mindset. Advice from a Therapist.
Everybody wants to be happy; to have a life filled with love, health and good fortune. We all know that having a positive attitude feels better than a negative one. We know that positivity fuels success and makes life brighter.
Being positive is an art.
Unfortunately, some of us often have a negative outlook on things. Sometimes we don’t even realize we’re being negative- it’s just our “go-to” place.
But negativity brings us down and burdens us with sadness, anger stress and frustration. It’s overwhelming and can truly take a toll on us – emotionally, physically and spiritually. It impacts our relationships, jobs and everything else we hold close to out hearts.
Negativity is heavy
And paralyzing.
And makes us feel stuck.
Negativity sucks!
So let’s bring the New Year in with some new strategies for being the best version of ourselves. This will help to establish a more positive, balanced and fulfilling outlook on life.
This is my recipe for a healthier, more peaceful and balanced YOU!
Start with taking care of yourself. Some of us are natural pleasers, often forgetting to give ourselves a piece of the pie of life. Make yourself a priority. Honour your personal wishes, thoughts and decisions, it promotes happiness and fulfillment. Be heard and understood!
- Start to practice self-love.
- Support others, give compliments, be kind.
- Embrace your failures, learn from your hardships and evolve through your challenges. It’s ok to feel vulnerable.
- Don’t gossip. Don’t even listen to gossip. It’s toxic!
- Be forgiving of yourself when you do screw up- you’re human, and mistakes are healthy and unavoidable.
- See the beauty in yourself and others.
- Slow down, take a deep breath. Don’t strive for perfection; strive for happiness, balance and peace.
- If you’re very unhappy doing something, or unhappy in a current circumstance, then change your predicament.
- Say daily affirmations. Repeat them often with conviction until you believe them. Keep repeating them again and again until they become part of who you are!
- Avoid negative people- they will take you down.
- Open up the lines of communication with the people around you. If they’re not hearing you, find a different way of communicating.
- Be your own cheerleader
- Remember, positivity is contagious so surround yourself with optimistic, realistic and loving people.
- Take a stance for what you believe in. Don’t be a bystander. Make a difference.
- Go to yoga or practice mindfulness.It nourishes your mind and your soul. If not yoga- find another hobby.
- Love others and yourself generously.
- Be authentic.
- Stop the negative self talk- recognize and celebrate your attributes, skills and wisdom.
A healthy minded is about trying to be positive even amongst the craziness of life. It’s about finding balance and allowing yourself to fail, to be down or overwhelmed and then finding the strength and motivation to pick yourself back up. It’s realizing that difficult life experiences help us to learn and grow. Its about recognizing that you are being negative and re-framing your mindset.
So my advice is, when life is filled with unexpected stresses and hardships, embrace them, learn from them and then move on! It’s what we do with these experiences that count and in turn make our life outcomes more positive, fulfilling and happy.Also, dont struggle in silence or accept feeling stuck. If you’re having trouble getting on track, reach out to someone you trust. Also our team is here, if you need us.